Why Python is not a dying language

2 min readFeb 24, 2020

Python is thought to be the dying language.

As a Python developer I have heard the myth that Python is a dying language and that might be true for some people but Python still has decade or so to go before dying. As new programming languages emerge python’s use case becoming smaller and smaller each year. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 the most loved language is rust and coming in second is python. Now don’t get me wrong Python is still a great language and is still the most popular, but like I said as new languages emerge python will slowly lose it’s popularity, this is was going to happen sooner or later because once a language is created it’s very hard to restructure the basic principles of a programming language, and then other languages will come and redesign what is not done so very well in python and implement it into an other language. One of python’s biggest use case is backend the two main frameworks for backend is flask and Django, now another language emerged so called Goling or Go, Goling is a language made for backend and soon when Goling grows developers will slowly start shifting to Goling.

So in conclusion Python is not a dying language as if yet, yes other languages will start pushing Python to the limit and soon over come python for the better or the worse. Python will be replaced by other programming languages but that is still far for anyone to worry about, Python will not completely die it will still have its strengths and will still be used but not as much as now.

