Low level programming languages

1 min readJul 27, 2020

There are two main types of programming languages high level and low level; low level programming languages are programming languages that are close to the hardware of your computer, where as high level programming languages are those that are closer to humans. Some examples of low level programming languages are C, C++ and rust. Examples of high level programming languages are Python, Java and Ruby. An article about high level programming language will be coming soon?

Advantages of low level programming languages

Low level programming are faster then others because they just run they don’t need to translate to computer code. Everything is built on top of low level programming languages in a way or another.

Disadvantages of low level programming languages

Low level programming languages are very hard to understand for a human. Low level programming languages are error prone. Applications that you write for one computer won’t always work properly. And if it does it will be buggy.

