How to improve your coding skills and ability.

1 min readJun 28, 2020

How many monitors:

When you are coding it is very helpful to have multiple monitors so that you can organize your work. If you are a coder like me you might want to have a monitor vertical because coders need more vertical space and not horizontal space. You don’t need multiple monitors but it is very important if you want to improve.

Keep Practicing:

Practicing your skills is very important, when you start practicing it will help you improve your coding skill, make things that will help you and also try doing coding katas.

Coding Editors

Try using different editors and stick to one editor. Learn all the keyboard shortcuts and use plugins to make the editor even better, if you like using vim then add a plugin to your editor to make like vim.

Learn your coding language

Learn everything about the coding language which will help you make your code shorter and better. And try learning different libraries for the coding language.

Read resource code

By reading source code you learn how other people think and what is the most common and best way to do something. You also learn you programming language and understand new functions and features especially when the programming language is C or Java or Kotlin which have a lot of functions.

